Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Biblical Union

                                                             Why is marriage so important?

      In light of recent days it is clear that one or both sides are unclear about issues of marriage! A vote promoting biblical marriage is viewed as taking a step backwards! Why do Christians hold marriage as so valuable? Why would a child of God make such a strong voice heard about this and not about drugs, alcohol, or other issues? Pause for a moment with me to u...nderstand why over 65 million Americans felt like it was necessary to protect marriage!
      One reason is because it is God’s perfect plan and design for one man to desire to spend his life with one woman! Those who hold the Bible as the gospel truth know it is designed as God’s perfect plan. If there were only people together who were married no STD’s would exist! No aids epidemic, no rape, or teen pregnancy anywhere! If children were born only inside of a one man-one woman home then the word "abortion" would make one scratch their head and say, “what is that”. If every child was born inside of a married home, with parents eagerly awaiting the babies’ arrival no Orphanages would exist! I would not be foolish enough to pretend this would ever happen in any part of the world, but it is still Gods’ plan as defined by the Bible! That is the kind of world I voted for, one with less problems, less pain, less heartache, one with less debates, one with less sin!
A more important reason so many voices from those in and out of church rose up was perhaps the main issue! What the world doesn’t understand is that marriage paints a perfect picture of God. Gen 1:27 states man and woman together make His image! A father alone cannot do it, nor a mother alone, nor even two of the same gender! My father was a strict man, that taught us to do what he says or suffer the punishment of not doing it. I learned when dad spoke you had better listen! My father was a strong arm of help to me, and still is, a protector if you will! All of that and so much more is a picture of Gods very nature (God is holy), full of wrath, honor, protection, provision, but that alone is not a complete picture of God. My mother is one of the most loving, caring people you will ever meet! Her priorities in life included making sure we were fed, cleaned, and presentable. She is more merciful that dad, and much quicker to forgive us for doing wrong, knowing the wrath of our father! The woman paints a picture of Gods mercy, love, care, and forgiveness (God is love)! So you see, both a mother and father are needed to display that picture of who God is! The BIG reason is so when God the Father through the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin, I was terrified, knowing I was going to Hell because of my sin (the Fathers voice was all bussiness)! BUT because I knew God loved me and would also forgive me if I asked, pleaded with him to spare me, which he did. I learned all I know about Salvation as a child by being raised in a home with a mother and father. So to a Christian, to redefine marriage is to redefine God, to redefine Salvation, which is our most sacred and precious doctrines!
       Since it is Gods’ plan, he made it where such a joining of a lifelong commitment was to include vows to each other, the witnesses present, AND to God himself. Marriage is sacred to a born again child of God that to its’ core is as Holy as the one who designed it and defined it! Any “attack” on sacred things has left villages bloody, and caused nations to go to war. Gods’ people didn’t grab pitchforks, and guns to resolve this grand issue, we simply voted! I know not everyone believes as I do, but now at least you know why this topic of conversation is such a big deal to so many who voted For Amendment one!

Does God Hate? Sure He does!

Gods Hate

 "...Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated" Romans 9:13 - The fact that God HATES (def=detests) sinfulness is not shocking to me for He is Holy, but that he could LOVE Jacob (or us) is the amazing thing! How could he love any of us, for we are sinners everyone! The world that has never been in services, as we all have, don’t understand his power or presence in such a way to know his Holiness! God is love, indeed, but he is also Holy! His Holiness demands judgment for sinful living!   The idea that God hates seems strange and impossible to this world, but to the believer it is no surprise because we know and acknowledge we are sinners! Media tends to stir up strife and point fingers at anyone "too" conservative and deem them as haters. Jesus told his followers that they hated him long before they hated us! The miracle that makes us worship is that he “loved Jacob” and those who accept his Sons’ sacrifice on Calvary! I understand how he can hate those living in sin, rebellion, and in wicked lifestyles, but what boggles my mind is that he could love any of us! The world today is preaching God loves everybody yet Esau would disagree knowing that his rebellion caused God to hate him! Does God hate you? If your life is full of rebellion to his love (Jesus) or you live in unrepentant sinfulness, and even in abominable lifestyles He does! Also know you can live in the love of God and rejoice in the presence of God! One trip to the altar, filled with genuine repentance and confession of Him as Lord of all can cause you to live in God’s love, not hate! The choice is yours to make, so choose wisely!!! “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil” Proverbs 8:13. Amos 5:15 “hate the evil, love the good” We love him because he first loved us! Maybe a better question is do you love Him, or hate him by how you live? Brethren, don't let media define what hate is, let God define it, and go with Him!

                                                                                             - Pastor Greene