Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is Love Dead?

It's in the air. Valentines, cupid, and flowers laced with pure chocolate. Really it seems that our Christmas trees are now replaced with bouquets and underpinned not with gifts but assorted fattening chocolates. Even the Beatles's song is non-stop on all my scan radio channels "All You Need Is Love". It plays well in songs and looks good in sappy chick flicks but love has fallen on hard times. How is it couples who have been married for 10, 20 , 30 years who seemed so inspired at the outset have become so devastated in just a few years? The vows were "till death do us part", but now to many have a death wish. So then from whence comes the break, the disillusionment and the pulling apart. Is true love fleeting and flemsy? Is it only a feeling that is but for a moment?
True love never asks "If you love me you will do this for me -= never, never , never!True loves is what can I do for you, and doing it. Real love is enduring. How do you know, one might ask! Because I have talked to the author of Love, Jesus Himself. God is love. He loved the world and gave. Our culture defines love as "getting", God said to it's very core it is "giving". Today we have to many on the marriage scene who only have a romantic obsession, which to no surprises lasts only two years. Love grows, so to fall in love is to say it takes no work, makes no sacrifices, and needs no effort put forth. If you have ever planted a flower you know it must be cultivated (worked on). True love begins with a commitment (I'll go die for their sin Father), and then gives and invest in that other person (Jesus walked on earth for 33 1/2 years.)True love is known and concluded in sacrifice (Someone did die on a old rugged cross for you - have you experienced that kind of love?) May the Holy Ghost shoot an arrow of conviction through your heart!