Wise men came from the East....probably Babylon and from the school of Daniel who taught their and was considered one of their wise men or magi. The Magi were astrologers or star studiers. I'm interested in a verse from Matthew 2:2 which says the Magi astrologers knew 3 truths without ever reading a OT Bible of there day...1) Someone was born....2) He was of Royal lineage...and 3) He was a Jew....." Where is he that is born King of the Jews?, for we have seen his star in the east and are come to worship him." WOW ... he had a star that told all that...How?
I'm glad you asked. Daniel told them that a Messiah was coming to Rule the world as did most all OT prophets. They obviously studied the Hebrew nations constellation or group of stars...It was Leo meaning Lion. The Jewish Hebrew people were called the Lion in Gen 48. Something was happening in the Leo constellation that revealed one born to the Jewish peoples. Look at sky charts and you can trace back a orbit or clock like rotation of two planets that would have caused an astrologer to be amazed...they were Jupiter and Venus...Venus or Virgin..or Virgo was a planet that rotated around the Sun and eclipsed with Jupiter -"the King planet" to created what seemed to be a new glow in the sky that would have lasted for almost two years....WOW The KING planet and the VIRGIN planet crossed paths in the constellation LEO....can you see how they knew one was born a King of the Jews?
Gen 1 :14-15 show God created them (stars) for a specific reason...1 for light...and 2 for a SIGN...Lost man here is your sign.....sinner look up and see the sign. Stars are Majestic, glorious, but never to be worshiped Deut 12. To God and Jews it is punishable by death if you do. Worship the creator and not the creation. So read your Bible and not your Horoscope.
Wait look at this....i personally don't believe that the star was created at his birth, God is bigger than that. He some 4000 years earlier spoke all the stars into existence and set them in motion or orbit rotating around the Sun in a clock like manner.....He knew the exact time His Son would be born and put Jupiter and Venus on a collision path (from our view anyway) some 4000 years before it ever took place...THAT A BIG GOD !!!!! Ow year Jesus was crucified before the foundations of the Earth were ever spoken into existence to. Hope this was a holiday blessing to you...Merry Christmas