Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The 21st Century Sodomite

It is amazing how the past 10 years has given Homosexuals which are a vast minority in American and the world seem to have taken over clothing, entertainment, and now Government (July is the White Houses recognition month of Gay pride - and Obama said this past Sunday on Fathers Day he appreciated all the Gay Homes with two dads in them to kick it off). Lest we forget 10 years ago it was a "Crime against nature"- so saying in all law books, in school we knowed them as "queers, fagots, etc". Today it has developed into a alternative lifestyle. Does that make it right? Let me pose this question, "Charles Mason lived an alternative lifestyle, does that make it a right way to live?"

I Cor 6:9 God describes the Homosexuals as "abusers of themselves". "Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord....he took away the sodomites out of the land" I Kings 15:11,12. Lev 18:22 describes the lifestyle as "abomination".

Is it sexual preference or perversion? Look at this list I have complied over recent years and decide.

* Montana school teacher - received 20 yrs. in prison and a $25,000 fine for sexually abusing 45 male students- saying he has no remorse (Rom 1:28 confirms his "reprobate mind")

*Boy Scout leaders in GA- 5 yr in prison for indecent purposes.

* Us Congressmen today admit keeping male prostitutes on their payroll

*Largest bank fraud in Indiana History was by a banker who bought shopping trips,necklaces, mink coats, and Cadillacs for his homosexual friends = $ 2 mill

* Internet cops (new division of law enforcement )arresting homo predators seducing and luring in your children*The National Gay Task Force has a #1 priority to remove all age-of-consent laws which will permit sex with children. They claimed victory in Hawaii a few years ago dropping the age to 14. Gay Pride - Pride cometh before the Fall

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The 21st Century Sodomite is a serial killer.

* New Jersey Associated Press says the top 7 serial killers in the US are homosexuals.

1. Donald Harvey - 37 raped/killed

2.John Wayne Gacy - 33

3. Patrick Kearney- 32

4-6. Dean Corall, Elmer Henley, David Brooks - 27 each raped/ killed

7. Juan Corona - 25.

The New York Times listed many more than the Ass. Press but both testify these men are homosexuals. Certainly it does not mean that all homos' are serial killers but it does mean the leading serial killers int he US are sodomites.Romans 1:29 lists all the sexual perversions BUT leaves out Adultery. Why? You must be married to commit adultery. What is the Bill in the White house that is going to be voted on soon "Gay Marriage" - God leaves it off the list , Why? Could it be we are at the door of the Rapture right now, even this year? Hope your ready!