Monday, March 7, 2011


In a world of pride and know-it-alls it is refreshing to cross paths with those who have a tender heart. A tender heart is always concerned with others and not self. A person who displays compassion that is unconditional and not self-centeredness is a help to any soul. I must admit it is a great challenge today to keep a tender heart, in a world that seeks to hurt, bruise, and steal,...leaving the average heart to harden a bit. It is not easy when most everyone around you criticizes, gossips, and runs people into the dirt to keep a heart that cares, and bleeds with and for others.

A perfect example of how to do it right is of course...the Lord. He was mocked...spit on...lied to...beaten....scourged.....cut....crowned with thorns....nailed to wooden beams...stripped naked....embarassed....and his heart remained tender....His first words....Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. Could you friend have done that? I honestly don't know if i could or not. A tender heart gets hurt, cut, broken....But to remain cannot harden. How is it possible you might say....the lesson is the same = keep your eyes on Calvary. Jesus kept his focus on what mattered....souls....salvation...eternity. "We have all eternity to brag about the victories won, and only a few short days to win them" - Amy Carmichael (Missionary to China). The hardened heart cannot worship, testify, pray, or be a blessing to someone else. Are you a tenderhearted soul? Arrogance, the"well-to-do", and the fool educated beyond his intelligence all sport a useless heart. Humble yourself brethren....keep a tender heart....yes you will be hurt, stepped on, and cut...but keep your eyes on Calvary were God first spoke to us a tender word.

Remember in the physical sense as well as the spiritual a hardened heart will cause trauma to your body and death.