Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ritalin -Propaganda for Laziness

Which drugs are bad! Who gives who the right to say which drugs are good and others bad? Statistics now show 9 million young k-5 boys are now on Ritalin in America. A drug never used before 1980, and given to children diagnosed with A-D-D (also created in 1980). Remember it is a "male" drug. Personally I believe it is a result of lazy teachers. Those who are their supposedly to help children are to lazy to find a way to teach a 5,6,7 year old boys who refuse to sit still for six hours a day in lecture. NEWS FLASH - boys are not created by God to sit for six hours a day.

Basically instead of teachers taking time to "teach", and finding a way to get through to these children. Boys are hands on not seats down. Those to whom they say - he is disrupting the class, or he is to slow to learn, they diagnose them as A-D-D and place them on drugs the rest of their life. Yes these trusted ladies are destroying more lives than helping = To few are their to help children but are their for the money. NEWS FLASH - some children are more of a challenge than others, and the rewards for helping them are far greater to. I can count on 1 hand the teachers that actually cared about me enough to take me aside and show me they wanted to help in my areas of struggle. Thank you Mrs. Dockery for your heart of a true teacher. She was one of few I ever met. My English is still awful but you did at least try. If your a teacher I challenge you to go the extra mile and try and help these boys instead of seeing them as a problem or hindrance. If that is the way you view them then You Mame are the problem and hindrance.

Another reason boy are so fidgety is discipline has left the school house completely. Nothing like a good paddling to make a boy sit and sulk for a class or two. But don't get me on that or I may say something I'll regret.

I know a boy whom the school wanted to drug with Ritalin because of a A-D-D problem who was years beyond his class mates. They said his failing grades were a result of a mind unable to keep up in class yet while the other children were still learning to ride a bicycle he knew how to take one apart and reassemble it again. AGAIN I believe a lazy teacher should have been fired instead of placing a child on a mind-altering drug and creating a dope addict for the rest of their life. We now know Ritalin is addictive and putting a child on it for several years then taking it away will lead over 89% of them to seek out drugs of a illegal nature the rest of their lives. Being only a 30 year old drug the side effects are still unknown. I have kin folk through marriage that were on it and now are not, but raid family med. drawers stealing whatever drugs they can to fill the teacher made void.

Second Chance Ranch is a boys home that specializes in boys on Ritalin. It is a working christian farm. Boys arise early to gather eggs, milk cows, and then slop pigs all before breakfast. They then go to the woods with the mule and log trees to the sawmill where they stack lumber the rest of the day. With teaching then added in ever few hours as they rest from work, they learn more in two days than your child does in a week of sit down lectures on the same subjects. No drugs were allowed and no problems of attention deficit found. The boys named the sawmill Ritalin, because it took away their nervous energy. Why? Because boys are made by their creator to long for the outdoors. The energy was put their by God himself to help young boys to be a blessing to their family in planting, harvesting, mowing, carrying wood, and so on. Boys were never made to play dress up, have tea parties, or iron clothes inside.

Quit destroying lives and man up. Turn the tv off and put that boy in the garden. Take a walk in the woods, go on a pic-nick, enjoy the children you have and stop seeing them as a problem - because they are a blessing from the Lord. I address this issue knowing my boy (now 2 years old) will be required to take it in Kinder-garden, because he is all boy, and wide open with life. Yet he can call by name any tool in your garage, and show you how it works. Nothing wrong with his mind, nor his desire to be outside, where every healthy boy longs to be. Homeschooling will be my first choice before any drug to altar his mind and/or destroy his life is given. Amen and Amen!!!

If your a teacher who cares about the money more than the children, you have not enjoyed this read, but if you are one of the chosen few whom teaches and does care, find a way without drugs to help that child. Take a class outside, give them more hands on - yes it will require more time, but the rest and reward much sweeter. Let your class plant a garden and see which ones rise to the occasion. Get the ink off your hands and put some dirt on theirs, it is called Kinder"garden" right? - 9 million lives have already been abused don't be the next "legal" drug dealer at your school.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nip it, nip it, nip it

I believe it was Barney Fife who made the phrase popular "Nip it in the Bud". But the idea came much earlier. Crude beginnings in scientific Horticulture practiced the phrase at least as early as the 14 Century. In good growing seasons gardeners would have an excess number of blooms, and blossoms. It became necessary to pinch off the majority in order that those which were left could produce large fruit. This would improve the quality of the garden produced, but was devastating to the individual buds. When a bud was nipped off no fruit was produced at that point.
Honestly it seems as though many areas of potential fruit are being nipped off by God himself. Of course what He does is always right, don't get me wrong. All my life I have hosted, preached at and participated in youth meetings, looking for a young harvest. But truth be known, the greatest youth meetings I have ever been in were not scheduled. I have seen God sweep through a service where young people were the overwhelming majority that testified, and worshiped. I have seen God move to save 4, 5, and 6 young persons in a service that was never ordained by man as a youth service. I'm not saying youth meetings are wrong or that VBS is outdated (I believe VBS is the churches greatest mission, at home or abroad). Fact is if God doesn't meet with us in a powerful way, it makes little difference if it's Youth Day, Old-timers Day, Bring a friend Day, Communion service, Revival Day or Campmeeting Day it will profit nothing.
In a nutshell, God chooses sometimes not to overwhelm us with blooms in order to produce something worth having. I am not interested in winning 1,000's and 990 go astray or quit. Give me 10 and 10 years from now still have 10 growing and prospering, and feeding others in the Lords name. We have to much shallowness in the church today and it may be because we have started looking at the big numbers of blossoms and produced weak, anemic fruit with no quality. Preacher don't be afraid of letting that secular crowd walk out - it may just produce a better atmosphere in your church for a stronger quality of fruit. Some sins (whether they like it or leave) you must nip it, nip it, nip it.