Friday, August 17, 2012

The Bumper Sticker on a Farrari

     It seems that today children are crazed about inking it up. According to History it is a heathenistic practice, by native tribes globally from Africa, to Australian, and in America. Prison tattoos are a sign of bondage and repression as illustrated in the Holocaust picture above. Your body, for a follower of Christ, is the temple of the Lord. Christ in you the hope of glory. If God dwells in you as you are in a house or church, we should take care of it. How would graffiti look on the side of your house? Your church? Of course that goes father than just tattooers. Pruning, cleaning, and upkeep are also necessary for a temple to exist correctly. We are aware of the fact people desire to express an idea, verse, picture, or some other "highly" significant meaning. Sadly those things leave scares if removed and are in fact permanent. Your body, being the temple of the Lord,  should be treated respectfully. You are valuable, of Hugh significance to God. Nothing more sacred and Holy as a place of worship....a temple. So in the words of one of my former students who told a tattoo artist that approached her seeking business, "why would I want to put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari?"