For the child of God we are assured that their is better days ahead. I'm not sure how many 1,000's or 100's or 10's will be up looking and praying for His return tonight, but Lord willing I;ll be one. Sleep for a preacher is a precious commodity. I heard preacher Lockee say one time he averaged around 4-5 hours day. Honestly I have seen only 14 hours of sleep in as many days plus the occasional 10 min power nap here and their. A preacher without a burden is like a cow patty without a fly, it's just unheard of. The strain can lead us to neglect our most precious gifts from God if not careful = family, children, wives. The good Lord knows I have done my share of burying myself in the ministry and neglected my family way to much and to long. I want to say no man on earth has ever had a sweeter family. Children who wake up ready to smile in the new day, and hugging and kissing you as they go off to bed- Hannah, Abigail, Isaiah I love you all dearly and would die for you if need be, I want your every dream to come true, and i want you to dream big.
To my wife, I must say that no woman on earth does more with less credit than you. My/Our ministry together for the Lord though a tremendous burden has beared fruit and in Glory we will see the full effects of our labor together. So to often you get my frustrations poured out on and dumped on you. Never a word do you say, but are always their every service being truly a blessing to me. To see you on the pew with our children is a great encouragement to me and the work we have together in the Lord. Spring, I love you, with all my heart, in good times and bad, now and forevermore. The yellow rose is for you, a cheap download some may say but if we were rich, a million and one would I buy for you. I'm praying for many more years of labor together for His glory and honor, we both know that without you, my/our ministry would not be possible. You are and have been a help meet to me.