Senior Week
In light of many teenagers living it up this week at the beaches etc, take heed to these words! If a flower is picked before it's time to bloom, the beauty God intended you to see, the fragrances to smell, and enjoy will be lost forever - you will never see or experience the perfect plan of God in fornication! An apple picked from the tree before it is ripe leaves a bitter taste i...n your mouth you never forget, but that same apple eaten when ripe (inside of marriage) causes the taste buds to explode with juices overflowing and mouth watering for joy!
True love never asks "If you love me you will do this for me, never, never , never!True loves is what can I do for you, and doing it. Real love is enduring. How do you know, one might ask! Because I have talked to the author of Love, Jesus Himself. God is love. He loved the world and gave. Our culture defines love as "getting", God said to it's very core it is "giving". Today we have to many on the dating scene who only have a romantic obsession, which to no surprises lasts only about two years. Love grows, so to fall in love is to say it takes no work, makes no sacrifices, and needs no effort put forth. If you have ever planted a flower you know it must be cultivated (worked on). True love begins with a commitment (I'll go die for their sin Father), and then gives and invest in that other person (Jesus walked on earth for 33 1/2 years for others benefit.)True love is known and concluded in sacrifice (Someone did die on a old rugged cross for you - have you experienced that kind of love?) May the Holy Ghost shoot conviction and keep you safe and pure!
In light of many teenagers living it up this week at the beaches etc, take heed to these words! If a flower is picked before it's time to bloom, the beauty God intended you to see, the fragrances to smell, and enjoy will be lost forever - you will never see or experience the perfect plan of God in fornication! An apple picked from the tree before it is ripe leaves a bitter taste i...n your mouth you never forget, but that same apple eaten when ripe (inside of marriage) causes the taste buds to explode with juices overflowing and mouth watering for joy!
True love never asks "If you love me you will do this for me, never, never , never!True loves is what can I do for you, and doing it. Real love is enduring. How do you know, one might ask! Because I have talked to the author of Love, Jesus Himself. God is love. He loved the world and gave. Our culture defines love as "getting", God said to it's very core it is "giving". Today we have to many on the dating scene who only have a romantic obsession, which to no surprises lasts only about two years. Love grows, so to fall in love is to say it takes no work, makes no sacrifices, and needs no effort put forth. If you have ever planted a flower you know it must be cultivated (worked on). True love begins with a commitment (I'll go die for their sin Father), and then gives and invest in that other person (Jesus walked on earth for 33 1/2 years for others benefit.)True love is known and concluded in sacrifice (Someone did die on a old rugged cross for you - have you experienced that kind of love?) May the Holy Ghost shoot conviction and keep you safe and pure!