Wednesday, May 4, 2011


AMERICA - land of the special interest groups and home of the double standard. Think not, you decide.

If you lie to Congress, it a felony.
If Congress lies to you, its just politics.

Government spends millions to rehabilitate criminals
Government spend pocket change on the victims.

Public schools can teach Homosexuality as OK
But they better not dare mention "God" in their education process.

If whites dislike blacks it's racist
If blacks dislike whites it's their First Amendment

You can kill an unborn child
It wrong to execute a mass murderer.

We don't burn book -now we just rewrite them
We disarm the socialist/communist threat by renaming them progressive.

If you protest against President Obama's policies you're a terrorist or racist
But if you burn an American Flag or George W Bush's picture in effigy it was your 1st Amendment right

We can watch and allow pornography on TV/Internet but condemn those who dare place a nativity scene on their lawn.

You can tax those who work to provide for those who refuse to.

Everyone supports the constitution, but only when it supports our political ideology.

We still have freedom of speech unless you are politically incorrect.

We sent Actor Wesley Snipes to jail for tax evasion, yet Democratic Congressman Charles Rangel, who was indicted 20 times for fraud and evasion, gets a mild censure and no jail time from Congress.

We can't close the border with Mexico. But we have no problem protecting the 38th parallel in Korea halfway around the world.

I have no clue why our Government has less than 20% approval rating from US taxpayers and you?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Out of the Darkness and into the Light

Out of the darkness and into the light. A phrase used by most all Christians, and rightly so. No other description of what happened at Salvation could say it better. Quite the opposite of what i was to what I am now. It may be the reason that the world lives for the night. Parties, dances, fornications, drunkeness all seem to magnify after dark. Most all dwi, or dui are at night. This is the reason I think most people don't believe in the God of creation, because they are never up early to see the Sun rise or see the deer and the antelope Honestly my favorite time of day is daybreak. Why, you may ask? The reason is it testifies of my salvation: Darkness turns to Light and beauty only after the sky is a gorgeous red. My Darkness (sin) only turned to Light (being born again) after I passed through the Red sky (blood of Jesus Christ). Repentance is the key, and without the shedding of blood (Jesus blood) their is no forgiveness of sin. Amen

The world lives for the night. It is a testimony of sin, darkness, unknowing, blindness. Grandmaw always said nothing good happens after darkness falls, and more than not that is true. The old timers used to go to sleep with the sun and rise with it to, and their lives were much simpler then, we would all have to agree. So get a good night sleep, don't join in the worlds sin for a season and arise each new day refreshed, encouraged, renewed that the God of all Glory awaits you first moments of seeing Him in the Light of His creation. Jesus is the Light of the World. The lost men love darkness rather than light, because it reveals who we really are...sinners all. God Bless.

Monday, March 7, 2011


In a world of pride and know-it-alls it is refreshing to cross paths with those who have a tender heart. A tender heart is always concerned with others and not self. A person who displays compassion that is unconditional and not self-centeredness is a help to any soul. I must admit it is a great challenge today to keep a tender heart, in a world that seeks to hurt, bruise, and steal,...leaving the average heart to harden a bit. It is not easy when most everyone around you criticizes, gossips, and runs people into the dirt to keep a heart that cares, and bleeds with and for others.

A perfect example of how to do it right is of course...the Lord. He was mocked...spit on...lied to...beaten....scourged.....cut....crowned with thorns....nailed to wooden beams...stripped naked....embarassed....and his heart remained tender....His first words....Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. Could you friend have done that? I honestly don't know if i could or not. A tender heart gets hurt, cut, broken....But to remain cannot harden. How is it possible you might say....the lesson is the same = keep your eyes on Calvary. Jesus kept his focus on what mattered....souls....salvation...eternity. "We have all eternity to brag about the victories won, and only a few short days to win them" - Amy Carmichael (Missionary to China). The hardened heart cannot worship, testify, pray, or be a blessing to someone else. Are you a tenderhearted soul? Arrogance, the"well-to-do", and the fool educated beyond his intelligence all sport a useless heart. Humble yourself brethren....keep a tender heart....yes you will be hurt, stepped on, and cut...but keep your eyes on Calvary were God first spoke to us a tender word.

Remember in the physical sense as well as the spiritual a hardened heart will cause trauma to your body and death.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Entitled Generation

Have you noticed how a generation of young people and some older ones to, feel they are entitled to special treatment? They expect to be waited on hand and foot, even though they are capable of doing things for themselves. But why not? We have taught them at home and in school that they are “special”, they deserve to be “first” and as every adult knows, we have to supply them with every whim of their heart…. Cell phones, iPods, (PSP) personal play stations, Gameboys, Wii, computers, notebooks, calculators, name brands shoes and clothing, etc… at least that is what the media tells us, and we believe it as do they.
The problem is, today’s youth takes no responsibility. We work and provide while they sit and play with their “toys”. Ask them to wash dishes or carry out the garbage and they will look at you as if you have slapped them in the face…its an insult to them. Honestly adults are just as bad, we think the Credit card company should give us free airfare for pumping gas and using their card, what a joke.
Moms used to bake cakes (from scratch of course), cookies, bread, casseroles, fry chicken, peel potatoes, clean veggies, can fruits and vegetables, mend cloths, yarn socks, make clothing of all sorts, knit scarves, crochet afghans, make quilts, read to little ones, and all the while, rock babies, play with the tiny ones, help with homework and teach the rest of the family to do likewise. Everyone contributed to the care of the family.
Dads washed the car, changed the oil, fixed the motor, mowed the grass, repair the lawnmower, raked leaves, shoveled snow, did household repairs (plumbing, electrical, carpentry, etc.) trimmed trees, tended the garden, and taught his sons the same skills as well as working a full time job. Everyone contributed to the care of the family.
Today life is made “easy” for everyone. We have less at home to do. Mom is gone to work along side dad. Babysitters take care of the young so they can play all day and/or watch TV. Decorated cakes, packaged cookies, ready sliced bread, instant fried chicken, instant potatoes, and even cleaned veggies at the local supermarket are readily available with canned fruits and vegetables. And if you don’t feel like eating at home, go out to one of the many fast food chains. Clothing and socks are thrown away if they need mended. Electronic games and TV with 24/7 cartoons are available to keep kids out of mom and dads hair while they do things that have to be done. Car washes, ready lubes, mechanic, riding mowers with baggers for leaves, snow blowers, or better yet a yard maintenance crew will do it all. Plumbers, electricians, carpenters all do the repairs now. Tree trimmers tend to that small oak in the front yard and no one knows how to plant a garden anymore.
The results….life is easier, yes…or is it? More divorces, hyper kids (who are drugged on Ritalin) emotionally distraught people, angry parents, and more drugged out children that ever before. Everyone is entitled to live in their own little world without having to deal with any on else, after all “I” should have it “MY” way, shouldn’t I? Then we better take out the book of James out of the Bible that states how poor we are, unworthy, evil, and degenerate....hadn't we.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Church Nativity 2010

We were blessed to have the Lord lead us at St. Jo to have a live drive-through Nativity in 2010. It was many gated driveways, no trespassing signs, and closed doors we just cannot get to and God made a way for us to reach many them. We had people from 2 states..and at least 6 different counties come by and see us on those 2 nights. We had a head count of nearly 2000 people. Some drove by and saw Barney...the camel...and went home to get their whole family and bring them through. What a blessing!

To see unwed mothers who attend church nowhere come by and roll the window down to read the scripture we posted at each scene to their children was enough to make one shout. Children who would have otherwise never heard the age old story of a Savior come from Glory heard it. To see other churches come by was a blessing to ....Oxford Memorials youth...and other church vans never ceased to end. Lord willing we will do it again December 9-10, 2011...6:30- 9:30 each night.

Just so you took over 68 people to get all this done and not one job was left unmanned or anyone left standing...I pastor a great flock. We are greatful for each one who helped and those who were unable that prayed. All the work was worth it, and the fellowship was above measure. The ladies made and passed out hot chocolate and cookies and Church invitations with Salvation tracks. It was a blessing to see so many Baptist working together to accomplish a goal unreachable in some divided assemblies. If you didn't make it out come by this year and Celebrate the Saviour coming to this world to make a way for Man to be in fellowship with God again.....His blood washes away all sin....bless His name
I road a camel once...and if that is the ship of the desert i was on the was a rough ride....and i spent alot of time wrestling sheep that were akin to the was

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New post

A new post to tell you i will soon be time now....busy busy busy...stay tuned to this same bat channel and at a later time...thanks