Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunrise Service

Easter - as Christmas is to the child (excitement, joy, family, fun, toys) so is Easter to the Preacher. I pity the man who has a loss for what to preach on the most glorious occasion for the church to meet. Ow yes, the 5am alarm sounding, kids put into car seats with eyes still matted shut from lack of sleep, the cold pneumonia like weather, the chatter of teeth to keep the Choir in rhythm, Children being strangely quiet as their routine has changed and they stand in shock as to why we meet so early - What is not to love about the Sunrise service. Ashamedly, I usually care nothing for the sunrise services, it is hard enough to get a Holy Grunt out of most folks at 11am much less 7am. The Lord has Blessed/Cursed me to be a part of many sunrise services in four different county's.

On the other Hand, I'm glad I have a spiritual reason to get up physically early. I'm thankful for freedom we still have to meet and recognise Jesus arose from the grave. His Resurrection is the key ingredient in salvation. If He lie dead so do we - forever. It fills ones soul to arise early as He did, and as followers of him we go to the grave yard, mimicking what some ladies and disciples did some 2000 + years ago. BUT we go knowing how the preachers message will end - they did not. Truthfully I'm excited about this years Sunrise Service in that as long as we remember and follow He will no doubt smile upon us the more. Heaven will be Easter morning all endless day long - Hallelujah. Get prepared, close laid out Sat night, toothbrush and toothpaste all ready for the mad rush of Easter morning. Go Go Go to a Sunrise service, it opens up doors to tell your children about Him, it is an extra time of worship, and it is a good way to remember what power He holds for his people in the Rapture to come.