Have you noticed how a generation of young people and some older ones to, feel they are entitled to special treatment? They expect to be waited on hand and foot, even though they are capable of doing things for themselves. But why not? We have taught them at home and in school that they are “special”, they deserve to be “first” and as every adult knows, we have to supply them with every whim of their heart…. Cell phones, iPods, (PSP) personal play stations, Gameboys, Wii, computers, notebooks, calculators, name brands shoes and clothing, etc… at least that is what the media tells us, and we believe it as do they.
The problem is, today’s youth takes no responsibility. We work and provide while they sit and play with their “toys”. Ask them to wash dishes or carry out the garbage and they will look at you as if you have slapped them in the face…its an insult to them. Honestly adults are just as bad, we think the Credit card company should give us free airfare for pumping gas and using their card, what a joke.
Moms used to bake cakes (from scratch of course), cookies, bread, casseroles, fry chicken, peel potatoes, clean veggies, can fruits and vegetables, mend cloths, yarn socks, make clothing of all sorts, knit scarves, crochet afghans, make quilts, read to little ones, and all the while, rock babies, play with the tiny ones, help with homework and teach the rest of the family to do likewise. Everyone contributed to the care of the family.
Dads washed the car, changed the oil, fixed the motor, mowed the grass, repair the lawnmower, raked leaves, shoveled snow, did household repairs (plumbing, electrical, carpentry, etc.) trimmed trees, tended the garden, and taught his sons the same skills as well as working a full time job. Everyone contributed to the care of the family.
Today life is made “easy” for everyone. We have less at home to do. Mom is gone to work along side dad. Babysitters take care of the young so they can play all day and/or watch TV. Decorated cakes, packaged cookies, ready sliced bread, instant fried chicken, instant potatoes, and even cleaned veggies at the local supermarket are readily available with canned fruits and vegetables. And if you don’t feel like eating at home, go out to one of the many fast food chains. Clothing and socks are thrown away if they need mended. Electronic games and TV with 24/7 cartoons are available to keep kids out of mom and dads hair while they do things that have to be done. Car washes, ready lubes, mechanic, riding mowers with baggers for leaves, snow blowers, or better yet a yard maintenance crew will do it all. Plumbers, electricians, carpenters all do the repairs now. Tree trimmers tend to that small oak in the front yard and no one knows how to plant a garden anymore.
The results….life is easier, yes…or is it? More divorces, hyper kids (who are drugged on Ritalin) emotionally distraught people, angry parents, and more drugged out children that ever before. Everyone is entitled to live in their own little world without having to deal with any on else, after all “I” should have it “MY” way, shouldn’t I? Then we better take out the book of James out of the Bible that states how poor we are, unworthy, evil, and degenerate....hadn't we.